In a ceremony held at Gurgaon and graced by the U-19 World Cup-winning captains Yash Dhull and Shafali Verma, ICC introduced the mascots for the 2023 ICC ODI World Cup, drawing inspiration from cricketing luminaries Jasprit Bumrah, Virat Kohli, Elyse Perry and Jos Buttler.
Scheduled to commence on October 5, 2023, the eagerly awaited ODI World Cup saw the official revelation of its mascots by ICC. The mascots, introduced in Gurugram, were showcased alongside U-19 World Cup triumphant skippers, Yash Dhull and Shafali Verma.
Hailing from the imaginative cricket realm named ‘Crictoverse,’ the mascots, a male-female pair, embody distinct traits while championing gender equality and diversity.
The male mascot for the upcoming ODI World Cup is dressed to impress in a striking shade of blue, hinting at his frosty demeanor and blazing batting prowess. Armed with an electrifying bat, he’s geared up to dazzle and awe the crowd, taking cues from the epic styles of Virat Kohli and Jos Buttler.
With arms fueled by turbo power, the female mascot launches balls at astonishing lightning speed. A utility belt adorns her, housing an array of balls that signify the diverse artillery in her bowling repertoire. The inspiration for this dynamic mascot draws from none other than the talents of Jasprit Bumrah and Elyse Perry.
The two #CWC23 mascots are here 😍
— ICC (@ICC) August 19, 2023
Have your say in naming this exciting duo 👉
Commenting on the introduction of the mascots, Chris Tetley, ICC’s Head of Events, expressed, “We are delighted to launch the ICC’s mascot duo ahead of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023. The perpetual characters signify cricket’s universal appeal beyond cultures and boundaries with the mascots standing as beacons of unity and passion. With representation of both genders, they epitomize the vital role of gender equality in our dynamic world.”
Engaging fans from the outset, the mascot’s design was shaped by their insights, garnered through diverse surveys. The fan involvement continues as the yet-to-be-named mascots enter the scene, their appellations to be determined by fans’ votes.
Throughout the lead-up and the event, the mascot pair will forge connections via live interactions, broadcasts, and virtual realms. A range of Crictoverse merchandise, including mascot-inspired items like sunglasses, will be accessible both online and at venues, granting fans a chance to own a piece of the excitement.
Last Updated on August 19, 2023
Senior Sports Copywriter