Terms & Conditions
1. General Introduction
Here you can read about our terms and conditions that apply when using Sportsbettingmarkets.com. Kindly note that whilst we provide information about many sportsbooks, of which many operate in different countries around the world, you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you follow the laws and regulations your country has applied to online gambling, gaming, and sports betting.
2. Sportsbettingmarkets.com Content and Copyright
Content on Sportsbettingmarkets.com written and produced by us is protected by copyright. You can share our articles, but only if you link back to Sportsbettingmarkets.com so it is clear to the readers that the content you have shared was produced by us. You cannot republish our content or redistribute our sites’ content material unless, as aforementioned, it is sourced and referenced clearly from our domain Sportsbettingmarkets.com.
3. Acceptable Use of Sportsbettingmarkets.com
Although we assume our visitors will not make use of our content in way not stipulated in the terms and conditions, we wish to clarify that you are not allowed to:
(a) Use our site or take any action that in any way causes, or may cause, damage to Sportsbettingmarkets.com or the site’s performance, or accessibility of Sportsbettingmarkets.com;
(c) Use the site to copy, store, host, transmit, send, utilise, publish, or distribute any material which consists of (or is linked to) spyware, computer viruses, misleading malware, worms, keyboard capturing, rootkits or any other malicious computer or mobile device software;
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(e) Access or otherwise interact with our website using any robot, spider, or other automated methods, except for the purpose of search engine indexing;
(f) Violate the directives that have been set out in the robots.txt file for our website,
4. Limitations of Information and Responsibility
4.1 We here at Sportsbettingmarkets.com would like to remind you that we are not liable for any losses incurred from the use of our content to choose a sportsbook at which to play, bet, or wager. Our articles have been created for informational purposes only, whilst we do spend a lot of time on doing our utmost on researching and keeping information up to date, the decision to play is yours, which we trust you to make responsibly. Make sure to also get accustomed to the terms and conditions of our partner sites as well as their Responsible Gaming guidelines and tools.
4.2 While we do not claim that the information published on our website is 100% accurate, or that the material on Sportsbettingmarkets.com would always be up to date, we promise that we work very hard and aim for the absolute highest accuracy and standard in the information that we publish on our site.
4.3 Sportsbettingmarkets.com may recommend and support some of the partner content we are directly linking to, this recommendation does not by default cover the content of the entire partner site. Due to the magnitude of sites we work with, we cannot verify and read through all the pages of our partner sites. If we find that something does not live up to our set of values or your expectations, we recommend you contact their customer support team for assistance.
5. Updates to Terms and Conditions
When applicable we here at Sportsbettingmarkets.com may be required to update our terms and conditions. When we do, we will notify you.
6. Our Contact Details
You can contact us by email at contact@Sportsbettingmarkets.com.
7. Privacy Policy and GDPR
Read about Sportsbettingmarkets.com Privacy Policy
7.1 What data do we collect?
We use third party tools like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics to anonymously log our users behaviour when interacting with our products or visiting the site. The information is stored as cookies and you can read more about this in our paragraph about our usage of cookies.
7.2 Why do we collect this data?
We use Google Analytics solely for the purpose of learning from and understanding our users in order to constantly be able to offer the most relevant content and offers to our customers.
8. Cookie Policy
When you first visit Sportsbettingmarkets.com, a first party cookie is stored in your browser. This cookie is then used to track the pages that you visit during your session. Whilst the cookie may be used across many sites, the information collected on our website is visible only to the Sportsbettingmarkets.com team and is not shared with any third parties.
As you enter the site we also inform you that we also use third party cookies to collect information about our users behaviour on the site. We use this information to improve our content offering to reflect the most relevant information and articles that our visitors have shown most interest in. The stored cookie data also gives us anonymous information on your browser type, geography, referral, operation system, time stamp of visit, as well as page views. This helps us produce and show the most relevant content for you in your specific geographical location. By using Sportsbettingmarkets.com you accept that we may make use of these cookies.
Last Updated on June 18, 2021