As cricket fever builds ahead of the Asia Cup and World Cup 2023, India’s cricket captain, Rohit Sharma, proves that champions are made during both innings and gym sessions!
Taking a well-deserved break, the 35-year-old skipper has been flexing his muscles and charming fans with his dedication to fitness. A 30-second video he shared on his official Instagram handle with the caption “Sweat szn” unveiled his intense workout routine, a routine of drills and exercises that left fans in awe.
Not just a workout warrior, Rohit’s gym became a fan hub as he snapped selfies and chatted with his supporters. Clearly, Rohit’s mission is to conquer both numbers on the field and crunches in the gym, a double-duty delight!
As the ICC World Cup looms in October, the Asia Cup serves as a crucial dress rehearsal. India’s campaign in both tournaments starts against arch-rivals Pakistan. Despite two World Cup appearances in 2015 and 2019, Rohit Sharma remains without a trophy. Leading the team for the first time, he and his teammates are determined to quench India’s ICC title thirst.
Last Updated on August 11, 2023
Senior Sports Copywriter